Don’t Ignore the Cooling System When Building a Gaming Computer

February 28, 2024

Gaming computers are incredible machines. With the right components they are equipped to run life-like games that provide hours of entertainment. Many people choose to upgrade certain components when building a gaming rig, like the graphics card, CPU, and RAM (which is a great idea if you want a top-of-the-line machine that is built for the future). There is another piece of equipment that is often an afterthought, but equally important when it comes to your custom build: the cooling system.

Cooling System Purpose

Whether you get an off-the-shelf PC or you choose to build a custom gaming computer, the various parts of the machine are going to heat up as you use them. The more power they generate as you play, the more likely they are to get hot. If those various pieces inside your computer generate enough heat without proper cooling, they can get damaged or could cause damage to other parts of the computer—a concern that keeps many gaming computer aficionados up at night. If you’re planning to push those components to the limits with some of the latest games and graphics, you need to pay even more attention to your cooling system.

When building your next custom PC, you will probably have a choice of an air cooling system (a fan) or a liquid cooling system.

Air Cooling Fans

The standard cooling equipment is usually a fan system that blows cool air through your machine to keep the various components from overheating. The challenge with many stock options is that they don’t have the level of power required to keep your PC cool with an upgraded graphics card or CPU. They are less efficient at conducting heat away, making them a noisy addition that can’t keep up with the most intensive gaming systems out there. There are some custom air cooling options available, but in order to be effective, these systems are usually very large and are either installed outside your PC or require a custom case to fit inside.

Liquid Cooling

A better option for most gaming computers is a liquid cooling system. Liquid can transfer dangerous heat away from your PC parts more efficiently, and because it doesn’t require a fan to cool down your system, it runs much quieter than air cooling systems. Before you dive headfirst into a liquid cooling system, though, it’s important to know that they do come with a risk of liquid leaking into other parts of the system, which can just as easily cause damage as excess heat. Block water cooling and all-in-one liquid cooling systems are preferable because they give you the cooling power you need in a convenient package that can easily fit inside your PC case, no custom case adjustments or tubing required (as a side benefit, they also look awesome).

As you’re building your next custom gaming PC at Xidax, pay attention to the cooling system and make sure you get one that will keep your PC running in peak condition.

  1. […] and gamers, as they can handle insane amounts of power. But if you’re planning on using a liquid cooling system, here’s a bit more info on its parts and various […]

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