Need a Break from Fortnite? Check Out Call of Duty Warzone for PCs

June 4, 2020

The last few months as people have been hanging out indoors to avoid catching coronavirus, many have turned to online gaming as a way to pass the time and be able to stay connected with friends. But if you have been playing Fortnite endlessly for the past few weeks, it may be time for a break. The good news is that there’s a new game that you can check out for a change of scenery, and the best part is that it’s available for free: Call of Duty: Warzone.

Getting Started

Call of Duty: Warzone is a multiplayer first-person shooter that is similar to Fortnite in that you compete against others to survive to the end in a “battle royale” format. It’s a cross-platform game, so you can play it on PC, PS4, and Xbox One and you can play with others even if they’re using a different platform than you. Since it launched in early March more than 60 million players have joined in to play the free game. PC gamers will generally have the best experience, with the most incredible graphics and extreme precision and control. 

You will need a subscription to play:

  • PC gamers must have a account
  • Xbox One players must have an Xbox Live subscription
  • PS4 players can use it either with a PS Plus subscription or with a special Warzone Combat Pack


There are two modes in which you can play in the game:  

Battle Royale

A match with 150 players, either solo or in squads of 3-4 people where you jump out of a plane, search for weapons, armor, and vehicles, and fight off other players or teams. The player or team that survives to the end is the winner, earning points that you can use to upgrade weapons or purchase things like body armor. Rather than being eliminated when you are killed, you will be sent to the gulag, where you will play one-on-one against another eliminated player and the winner gets to return to the match. If you lose in the gulag, your teammates can purchase a redeployment using money they pick up from around the map.

Players or teams can also complete tasks—called contracts—for money, weapons, and other special access in the game that can help you win.


The object in this mode is to obtain the most money. You work with your squad to complete contracts or eliminate other players and take their money. Once you have money, you can visit buy stations to purchase things that will help you win.

While it may not have the same cult following as Fortnite, Warzone is a great alternative and it’s available free for players right now. If you want to play it on a PC, check out the lineup of PC gaming rigs at Xidax and order a new one today.

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